Jersey Romance Writing Month
aka JeRoWriMo

Each February, intrepid NJRW members join together to support each other while we set a goal to write 30,000 words in 28 days. Like some other writing challenges we could mention, the aim is to get more words on the page than you had at the beginning. Unlike those other writing challenges, ours is during a month that doesn’t have Thanksgiving in it!
Our mascot is the very cuddly but strong (like our members) Jerry Rhino.
Our mascot is the very cuddly but strong (like our members) Jerry Rhino.
We have a fearless leader and a group of cheerleaders who volunteer each year to keep the momentum going and cheer everyone on every day. No matter how many words you write, they are all good words! The words ‘only’ or ‘just’ or ‘fail’ are not permitted! You can also edit a manuscript--three edited words are worth one new word. Participants have done both editing and writing, or either one.
At the end of the challenge, we celebrate our achievements at our next meeting, with a pin, chocolate, social media whooping, and a group photo.
At the end of the challenge, we celebrate our achievements at our next meeting, with a pin, chocolate, social media whooping, and a group photo.
Some add ten thousand, or five thousand words to their WIP. Some write 70,000 in one month! It doesn't matter; everyone who participates gets a prize. Yes, it’s a participation trophy, and in this tough world of publishing, we figure we deserve it!
What people are saying about JeRoWriMo
Suddenly, the combination of need to finish and the pleasure of being part of a group, all of us pulling together in the same direction, a fire lit under me and I was in the flow. Then a shocking thing happened. I realized I was enjoying myself.
JeRoWriMo is one of those things that makes NJRW such a wonderful group. Through everything that has happened over the last couple of months, JeRoWriMo has helped us remember why we got into this thing to begin with: the joy of writing.
The 30K challenge has been a fun and fabulous way to write the last 1/3 of my book.
I have always found this 30K challenge so beneficial because my productivity just soars as I put my rear in the chair and type, even when I don't really want to or think I have nothing to say, lol. And the encouragement during this challenge is phenomenal.
JeRoWriMo got me back into the game after months of procrastinating and hating my book.
Without this challenge I would not be so productive. NJRW is really great in being so supportive and encouraging.
JeRoWriMo is one of those things that makes NJRW such a wonderful group. Through everything that has happened over the last couple of months, JeRoWriMo has helped us remember why we got into this thing to begin with: the joy of writing.
The 30K challenge has been a fun and fabulous way to write the last 1/3 of my book.
I have always found this 30K challenge so beneficial because my productivity just soars as I put my rear in the chair and type, even when I don't really want to or think I have nothing to say, lol. And the encouragement during this challenge is phenomenal.
JeRoWriMo got me back into the game after months of procrastinating and hating my book.
Without this challenge I would not be so productive. NJRW is really great in being so supportive and encouraging.